The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
     I was assigned to watch this movie and design a poster, DVD cover, and motion title. The movie takes place in India in the present day. Telling a story of seven retired elderly people who choose to take a vacation to the Marigold Hotel, which was falsely advertised with promises of good times and a relaxing place to rest your head. While watching the movie the first thing I noticed was the strong and vived colors that flow throughout the towns that were visited in each scene. Along with the architecture I wanted to capture the busy environment that gives life to the film.
    I painted my poster using acrylic paint and altered the typefaces Goudy Old Style and Poor Richard for my title. My DVD cover is a collage of illustrations that mock the character faces in the movie, drawn using color pencils. Each piece carries in some form a connection to one another, such as the sky and colors that are used.  I hope you enjoyed my work,  just as I enjoyed making it.
Bill Nighy
Celia Imeri
Judi Dench
Maggie Smith
Penelope Wilton
Ronald Pickup
Tom Wilkinson
Movie Project

Movie Project

In this project I will be packaging and promoting the movie,"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" based on the many details I pulled out when watching Read More
